
2015年4月27日—Ourdecryptionutilityisacommandlineutility.Itneedsthe“key.dat”filetoproperlyrecoverthemasterkeyusedforfileencryption.,2016年1月22日—Thisisatoolfordecryptingfilesthatwerecryptedwiththelatestversion(variouslyknownasv8orv2.2.0)oftheTeslaCryptransomware ...,2016年5月31日—AnapplicationabletodecryptallthefilesencryptedbyallversionofTeslaCryptandAlphaCrypt:TeslaCrypt0.x-Encryptsfilesusin...

Threat Spotlight: TeslaCrypt

2015年4月27日 — Our decryption utility is a command line utility. It needs the “key.dat” file to properly recover the master key used for file encryption.


2016年1月22日 — This is a tool for decrypting files that were crypted with the latest version (variously known as v8 or v2.2.0) of the TeslaCrypt ransomware ...


2016年5月31日 — An application able to decrypt all the files encrypted by all version of TeslaCrypt and AlphaCrypt: TeslaCrypt 0.x - Encrypts files using an ...

How to recover files encrypted by all Teslacrypt Ransomware

2016年6月11日 — The Talos TeslaCrypt Decryption Tool is an open source command line utility for decrypting TeslaCrypt encrypted files so users' files can be ...

Using the Trend Micro Ransomware File Decryptor Tool

2017年11月16日 — The tool can decrypt certain types of ransomware-encrypted files (e.g. TeslaCrypt) files very quickly. However, other file types (e.g. CryptXXX) ...

How to Decrypt TeslaCrypt Ransomware Files Using ...

2016年5月19日 — Using the master key, security researcher has created a decryptor tool that is available for download, with detailed instructions, from the ESET ...

TeslaCrypt shuts down and Releases Master Decryption Key

2016年5月18日 — To decrypt the whole computer, click on the Decrypt all button. When you click on this button, TeslaDecoder will ask if you want to overwrite ...

TeslaCrypt victims can now decrypt their files for free

2016年5月19日 — Victims of the widespread TeslaCrypt ransomware are in luck: Security researchers have created a tool that can decrypt files affected by ...

Kaspersky free decryptor for TeslaCrypt victims

2016年5月23日 — Kaspersky Lab RakhniDecryptor utility updated to help decrypt files encrypted by previously invincible versions of TeslaCrypt. John Snow. May 23 ...

TeslaCrypt Decryption Tool

The Talos TeslaCrypt Decryption Tool is an open-source command line utility for decrypting TeslaCrypt ransomware encrypted files so users' files can be ...